• Formulated as a fast, effective method of removing green-water in garden ponds.
• Derived from natural ingredients.
• Rapidly resolves blanket weed problems in garden ponds.
• HSE registered algicide. No. 8052.
This means that BacterLife will IMMEDIATELY start to reduce the AMMONIA levels, without any dangerous increases.
Friendly bacteria that helps to remove ammonia from your water and sludge waste in your pond. Great to use when starting up your pond and for water changes!
This award winning water treatment works fast to neutralise chlorine, chloramine, fluorine and other toxins present in tap-water which are damaging to fishes, invertebrates and plants.
Lowers the count of harmful bacteria. Treats Fin Rot, Body Rot, Ulcers, Sores, Pop Eye, Cloudy Eye, Red Veins, Wounds, Mouth Fungus and other bacterial diseases.
pH Buffers from Waterlife. Lowers or raises the pH of your water to the desired amount, making for an easy to use treatment for your tank.
Advanced, fast-acting dechlorinator and water conditioner.
• Neutralises toxins in tap-water such as chlorine, chloramine and fluorine.
• Contains the soothing properties of Aloe Vera, to protect fishes mucus coating.
For effective control of protozoan parasites e.g. whitespot, velvet, costiasis and trichodiniasis.